Saturday, September 11, 2010

Changing the way I do things.

Hey everyone, quick update with where I am at the moment. After a few months of being absolutely swamped and overwhelmed by Sketch Card work, I have been re-thinking the way I do things. I will take the next few weeks to get on top of the last few commitments I have, take a week off, then move forward doing things a little bit differently then I have in the past. I have decided to cut back on official work. One set at a time from now on, what sets they are will all depend on timing. If I am not doing one at the time I am asked to do one, that will be the one I do. Only a month or two ago I had 5 sets going at once, and any fun I got from Sketch Cards was gone due to the fact I "had" to do them just to make each deadline. Don't get me wrong, every set I was on was an awesome opportunity I was super thankful for, but it was just way too much. I will be doing more commission work. I miss being an active member or such sites as Scoundrel and deviantART, with new stuff to post regularly, so I will be doing more PSC work which I am really looking forward to. Lastly I plan to update blogs, and do regular Ustream casts. These are both things I really wanted to do more of but just got so far behind in work I didn't have time to, so look for more of both of these in the near future.

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